Welcome to
Madinah Academy
Islamic & Arabic Studies Academy
Madinah Academy's mission is to help all Muslims come closer to their Lord in all areas of their life. Our courses both in Islamic and Arabic Studies program are designed to educate all Muslims regarding all aspects of their faith.
Our aim is to educate Muslims towards being closer to Allah but with a real desire to be better Muslims in all areas of their life. The courses at Madinah Academy will eventually make up a full curriculum that will be available as stand alone courses or part of a three year programme.

Our Courses
Our Courses

Umdatul Ahkaam
The Chapter of Tahara /Purification
The course is based on the classical and world renowned text, ‘Umdatul Ahkaam by the illustrious Imam, scholar and jurist al-Haafidh ‘Abdul-Ghaniyy al-Maqdisi (rahimahullaah).
It is a collection of ahadeeth - a summarised work of prophetic traditions related to rulings (ahkaam).
Course Fee:

Akhsar al-Mukhtasarat
The Fiqh of Tahara - Chapter of purification
This course will involve the study of ahadeeth on the topic of purification.
We will go through all the rulings pertains to purification, this will enable the Muslim to confidently practice their faith on a daily basis in matters regarding their prayer in all aspects of worship that require purification.
Course Fee: